Top 7 Guava Producing States of India

Uttar Pradesh


Uttar Pradesh is the leading Guava-producing state in India. The state has a significant guava cultivation industry, with varieties like Allahabadi Surkh Lal and Lakhnau Safeda being popular. Allahabad is famous for producing the best quality guava in India.

Madhya Pradesh


The state of Madhya Pradesh is second largest producer of Guava in India after UP and grown successfully in variety of soil and climatic condition.


Bihar also has a substantial guava cultivation industry. The state’s agro-climatic conditions are suitable for guava farming. Bihar is already well known for fruits like Litchi, Small Banana and Mango.

Andhra Pradesh


Andhra Pradesh is another major guava-producing state in India. The state’s favorable climate and soil conditions make it conducive to guava cultivation.


A well know state for farming, Guava is one of the popular fruit that grown in the state. Some of the popular varieties of Guava includes Allahabadi Surkha, Lucknow 49, Banarasi etc.



Maharashtra is known for its guava production, particularly in regions like Jalgaon, Aurangabad, and Pune. The state of Maharashtra well famous for growing all different types of exotic fruits as well.

Tamil Nadu


Tamil Nadu is among the top guava-producing states in South India. The state’s farmers grow various guava varieties, including Lucknow-49 and Arka Mridula.

Please keep in mind that guava production figures may have changed since my last update in 2022. The list might have changes as per order figure.

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