Top Five Best Millets of India – Shree Anna

Millets have been domesticated in India 3000 years ago, Also found in Indian archaeological sites. The main millets relative of grass family are proso millet, foxtail millet, pearl millet, maize and sorghum millet.

Foxtail Millet (Kangni) – कंगनी

Millet or Bajara are grown in the India, Used in traditional dishes like khichdi and upma, and in making flour for baking. Rich in dietary fiber, iron, and protein and known for their health benefits.

Little Millet (Kutki)कुटकी

Little Millet known as Kutki in Hindi and have been found in an Indian archaeological site also grown in parts of southern Africa and Nepal. Little Millet is found to be grown in the Himalaya region and compare to pearl millet and sorghum millet.

Barnyard Millet (Sanwa) – सामा

Indian barnyard millet also called Japanese millet or Sama millets in Hindi, A great source of iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Barnyard Millet is like rice called as Sama ke chawal and used in upwas also grown for animal food like other most of the positive millets.

Kodo Millet (Kodra) – कोदो

Kodo millets are very much simillar to Ragi that has been grown as a minor crop in most of these areas. The kodo millet, also known as cow grass and Indian Crown Grass estimated to have been domesticated in India 3000 years ago.

Proso Millet (Chena) – चेना

Pani Varagu or proso millet is very rich in iron, zinc, fibre, vitamin B6, polyphenols and calcium. Proso Millet or Chena bajara major cultivated area include Northern India, Himachal Pradesh of India.

ज्वार, बाजरा और रागी सबसे पुरानी फसलों में से एक है, बाजरा, प्रमुख उत्पादक राज्य राजस्थान, कर्नाटक, महाराष्ट्र, उत्तर प्रदेश हैं। Major producing states are Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat.

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