Dolphins -The National Aquatic Animal of India

India has declared Ganga Dolphin as the National Aquatic Animal of India. The Gange River Dolphin is a rare species of dolphins found only in Indian and neighbor countries. Dolphins are amongst one of the oldest creatures in the world along with some species of turtles, crocodiles and sharks.

They share their habitat with crocodiles, fresh water turtles and wetland birds. Dolphin inhabited rivers are The Sacred river Ganga, Chambal, Gandak and the Brahmaputra River from the Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border to India-Bangladesh border.


Dolphins in India

There are fewer than 2000 Ganges river dolphins left in India. These fresh water cetacean mostly distributed in gange and brahmaputra river. River dolphins have the long, pointed nose, river dolphins are nearly blind, They rely on sound and echolocation to navigate and communicate.

Dolphins are in Danger because of less habitat area due to construction of dames, fishing and pesticide. They also killed for meat and oil. Dolphins in India are come under extinct animals due to polluted rivers and poaching.

Every year nearly 100 Dolphins are getting killed by humans. If anyone kills the Dolphin, or if any one having the body parts of Dolphin, will be treated as crime they will be punished.



There are various conservation works going on the Sanctuary Areas to protect the National Aquatic Animal of India. Vikramshila Gangetic dolphin sanctuary is the only the only protected area for the endangered Gangetic dolphins in Asia.

It is located in Bhagalpur District of Bihar, India. Only a few hundred dolphins remain in India, of which half are found here. WWF-India and Aaranyak a NGO has been working closely with various government departments to protect these blind river Dolphins of India.


Guwahati is the first Indian city to have an animal Mascot as Gangetic river dolphin, It is the first city in India to have a city animal. River dolphin is locally known as Sihu and is on the verge of extinction along with Softshell Turtle and Adjutant Stork.


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