Difference Between Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express Trains

Rajdhani and Shatabdi Express along with Duronto are the top 3 fastest trains in India and gets the highest priority in Indian Railway network. All three trains of Indian Railways have a maximum speed of about 150  km/hr but the fastest train in India is 12049/50 Gatimaan Express with maximum speed 160  km/hr that runs between Delhi and Agra.

Rajdhani Express


Rajdhani Express of Indian Railways are the highest priority trains on the Indian railways and one of the the fastest trains operated by Indian Railways. Rajdhani Express connects Indian capital of New Delhi with other important mostly capital cities of states.

Total Trains: 22 Pairs of Rajdhani Express
Source: New Delhi and Hazrat Nizamuddin
Fastest Rajdhani: Mumbai Delhi Rajdhani Express
Maximum Speed: 140 km/h
Coaches: LHB Coaches with AC Berths
Maximum Distance Covered: 3149 km
Facilities: AC Coach,Wi-Fi and Food

Shatabdi Express


Shatabdi Express can runs at a peak speed of 155 km/h between stretches of Agra and New Delhi, which makes it the second fastest train in India after Gatimaan Express. The Bhopal Shatabdi is the second fastest train in India but get second highest priority in Indian Railways after Rajdhani Express.

Total Trains: 24 Pairs of Rajdhani Express
Source: Metro Cities
Fastest Rajdhani: New Delhi Habibganj Shatabdi Express
Maximum Speed: 155 km/h
Coaches: Anubhuti Coach with AC Chair Car
Type: Day Trains, Return to Origin Station on Same Day
Maximum Distance Covered: 705 km
Facilities: AC Coach,bottled water and Meals

– Duronto Express


Duronto Express are non stop long distance traveling trains run by the Indian Railways. These trains coaches are coloured in yellow green patterns and as fast as Rajdhani and Shatabdi trains. Since January 2016, Duronto express technical halts were made official and one can book tickets for those technical stops.

Total Duronto Express: 26
Fastest Duronto: Sealdah New Delhi Duronto Express
Services: Metros to State Capitals

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