Proposed States and Territories of India From The Different Regions

After independence several new states and union territories have been created out of existing regions of India. In addition to the existing 28 states and 7 union territories of India,here is the list of proposed states and territories.

10 Proposed States and Territories of India


Rayalaseema – Andhra Pradesh

After the creation of Telangana, rest of the part of Andhra Pradesh includes regions of Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema. Rayalaseema includes the southern 4 districts of current Andhra state and also home of Tirumala Venkateswara Temple and Belum Caves.

Vidarbha – Maharashtra

The Vidarbha region of Maharashtra is one of the oldest demanding state, located at eastern region of current Maharashtra state. Nagpur, the orange city of India will serve as the capital city of Vidarbha region. Marathwada,Konkan and Khandesh are few more regions in the state of Maharashtra.

Saurashtra – Gujarat

Saurashtra, a region of western Gujarat state on the Arabian Sea coast. Kathiwar region or Saurashtra is one of the droughts prone region of India but home to most famous Somnath Temple and Gir national park.

Bodoland – Assam

The Bodo people of Assam in the north east region of India demands a separate state as Bodoland at the north bank of Brahmaputra river in Assam. Kokrajhar will be the capital of Bodoland, where 2012 Assam violence occurred between indigenous Bodos and Muslims. Bodoland is the gateway to the most beautiful North Eastern Region of India.

Gorkhaland – Darjeeling Hills, West Bengal

Gorkhaland is another proposed state in India,majority people of Darjeeling hills are demanding the region of Darjeeling hills for the people of Gorkha ethnic in West Bengal.

Purvanchal – Uttar Pradesh

Purvanchal is one of the region of north-central India and a proposed state along with other four state from Uttar Pradesh.

Bundelkhand – Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh

The people of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh are demanding separate state, it will also include Khajuraho temple.

Harit Pradesh – Uttar Pradesh

It is another proposed state from the Uttar Pradesh, it is also known as Pashchim Pradesh or Braj Pradesh.

Awadh Pradesh – Uttar Pradesh

Area of Awadh is one the four region in Uttar Pradesh and a proposed state. Awadh, known as the granary of India.

Other Facts:

Other proposed states in India includes Mithila in Bihar, Kosal in Odisha, Braj Pradesh, Gondwana, Garoland,Tulu Nadu and Kukiland.

After dividing the Andhra Pradesh into Telangana and Rayalaseema, remaining part will known as Coastal Andhra state.

Dandakaranya region which includes the part of the Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh states is also on demand by the Naxal Group.

Three new states has beeb created in November 2000 as uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh state.

Khalistan is a movement to create a separate Sikh country in the Punjab region of South Asia.

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